Friday, October 8, 2010

Folk Performances on BKS Marg

As part of the Incredible India festival on Baba Kharak Singh Marg organised by Delhi Tourism as part of the CWG events, they have invited folk performers from across the country to perform here and showcase their arts.

The day I was here, the program started with a Veerabhadra Folk Dance from Karnataka

Followed by some Rajasthani Dancers

Then some Koli Dancers from Maharashtra

The next to perform were dancers from Sikkim who put up a semi-comedic routine, but unfortunately my camera battery died before I could take their pictures. I have some on my phone that I will try to upload here sometime soon. Until then, here are some pictures of their costumes.

 The troupes that perform each day are different. But you can catch them almost all evening along this stretch.

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